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Website holodcatalog.ru (Refrigeration industry) helps to establish contacts between suppliers and consumers of industrial and commercial refrigeration. It is the equipment for retail, cold storage, food production and agriculture, heavy and chemical industries.

This website provides service in Russia and CIS countries. 

Opportunities for consumers of refrigeration equipment:

Opportunities for suppliers of refrigeration equipment:

  • for manufacturers: presentation of your brand in the catalog of equipment and company in the catalog of refrigeration companies

  • for contractors and wholesalers: presentation of the company in the catalog of refrigeration companies

  • access to tenders for the purchase of refrigeration equipment

The site is intended for Russian-speaking audience in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries.

Who we are

We are publishing house "Business marketing". It was founded in 2005 year. We have media about refrigeration equipment on Russian and CIS markets: printed directory "Refrigeration Industry" and website holodcatalog.ru. 

Our international project refindustry.com. It is refrigeration industry worldwide.

Our media are your entrance into the Russian refrigeration market. We know more 1000 refrigeration companies in Russia and CIS.

Our reports is "Import of refrigeration equipment in Russia", "Market of refrigeration equipment in Russia"

Каталог "Холодильная индустрия - 2018"

The directory "Refrigeration Industry", hard copy

The catalog 'Refrigeration Industry' is issued by publishing house 'Business Marketing' since 2005.
Directory is about refrigeration companies in Russia. It is published annually. It is distributed free. We send the catalog to about 1000 refrigeration companies and about 1000 large food factories in Russia.
You can see the directory of previous years in pdf files on our site (push on a picture) to look.

The Refrigeration Industry catalog was published in printed form from 2005 to 2022. This is an annual industry directory for manufacturers and suppliers of refrigeration equipment.

Since 2024, we have switched to publishing the Refrigeration Industry magazine in pdf format. Free subscription to the magazine.

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